Trucking News

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Drivers Who Ignore Va.’s Move Over law Could Face Harsher Punishment

Jail Time given as a penalty for failure to Slow Down and Move Over
July 1st Virginia's Move Over Law Just Toughened The Penalties
There are just a few of the hundreds of new laws going into effect on July 1st in the Commonwealth. But there are two super important ones that Virginia Auto Transport drivers need to know. 1. Failure to Move Over for Emergency Vehicles Is Reckless Driving July 1st Virginia's Move Over Law Just Toughened The Penalties Virginia has had a "Move Over Law" that requires drivers to move over a lane when approaching an emergency vehicle on the side of the road with flashing lights. But Melanie Clark, widow of Hanover County firefighter Lt. Bradford Clark, has made it her life [...]

Driving forces: Women taking on more lucrative trucker jobs

With women underrepresented among professional truck drivers and an industry long facing a shortage, one company finds more females applying to be heavy haulers.
Driving forces: Women taking on more lucrative trucker job
You hear complaints about today's truck driver shortage almost as much as you hear them about the weather. So why aren't more fleets and trucking companies trying to increase their drivers from the most obviously underrepresented population demographic among professional drivers out there: Women? According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the nation is approximately 50.8% female and 49.2% men. And according to the group 
Those drivers who are considering a tow truck driver career or operating their own tow truck business should be aware that it is a very dangerous job. Injuries and fatalities are very high among tow truck drivers. Accidents regularly occur when the tow truck driver is loading a vehicle onto the flatbed of the truck. Typically, they are hit by another car during the process of loading the car. Often times, tow truck drivers become victims of hit-and-run accidents. Recently a tow truck driver was seriously injured as a result of a hit-and-run accident. Th [...]
Where Car Crashes and Hazardous Waste Spills Are a Good Thing An aerial view of the training track for first responders on the grounds of the Tennessee Highway Patrol’s training center in Nashville. Tennessee Highway Patrol NASHVILLE, Tenn. — About a dozen miles from downtown, in a wooded area on the grounds of a former state mental health insti [...]
Safety on the Road Every occupation has its own risks, big or small. While being on the road is a risk in itself, tow truck drivers face even more challenges than a regular motorist. They may be heroes to those stuck on the side of the road after a breakdown but make no mistake; their job is not an easy one. Bad Weather Conditions Driving in unsavory weather conditions is tough enough without having an extra vehicle attached to your own. Not only do tow truck drivers have to worry about handling their own load, but they must also be vigilant to watch out for debris and other motorists that have lost control of their car. One slip up in the rain or snow could mean big trouble for anyone, and adding another truck into the m [...]
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