Trucking News

Posts related to Trucking News

-08/06/2019 Heavy duty towing is not an easy job, and not all the tow truck companies are capable of carry out this task. In order to execute a flawless tow, it requires experience, skills and great attention to complete the job. Here we shall examine some of the important points for large, heavy vehicle or equipment to be safely transported over short or long distances: 1. Adequate Equipment and Professional Towing Personnel Heavy duty towing not like any other towing tasks; the teams that carry out the duties should con [...]
-08/02/2019 A detailed, thoughtfully written business plan is more than just an outline from which to start a business. It’s the guide you use to be successful.  Following is a list of solid reasons why a trucking company needs to have a business plan. Set specific objectives. To correctly and successfully manage any business—in particular a trucking operation—it’s imperative you, the owner, establish defined and specific objectives with the means to track the success and failure of those objectives. You probably have a mental list in your mind; let’s get it down in writing so you can better organize the priority of each objective and how it’s going to be accomplished. Having it on paper provides the means to evaluate, twe [...]
-07/24/2019 Anyone even loosely involved in the transportation industry is familiar with the increased demand and rapid growth of the last few years. For example, motor carriers are busier than ever. The booming economy has increased the amount of freight needing to be transported, so transportation companies report they are constantly in need of more drivers and, specifically, drivers willing to spend more time on the road. Drivers are benefiting from this booming industry as competition to hire them increases, and motor carriers offer more pay and better benefits. Unfortunately, this increase in demand has resulted in more accidents occurring on the road that involve commercial motor vehicles. In May 2019, the Federal Mo [...]
-07/24/2019 Kelvin and Janette Ramer established Auto Care Lifesaver Towing in Watsonville, California, in 1991. The business has been family owned and operated for the last 28 years and has expanded to include Kelvin’s brother Clinton, as well as the Ramers’ children Rosalee and Ben. They maintain a fleet of 16 trucks and have three locations in Watsonville, Santa Cruz and Felton. On Thursday, June 20, 2019, Auto Care was called to perform the recovery of a vintage U.S. Navy T28B airplane. The plane had experienced engine failure shortly after takeoff from the Hollister Municipal Airport. The pilot safely performed a belly landing in a farmer’s field. Kelvin and Rosalee responded to handle the recovery. They arrived [...]
07/12/2019   Driver behavior is the reason for over 88 percent of large truck crashes and 93 percent of passenger vehicle crashes1. Despite the evidence, many commercial and passenger vehicle drivers continue to partake in risky driving. The impact of these behaviors – such as speeding, distracted driving, texting, failure to use a seatbelt, following too closely, improper lane change and failure to obey traffic control devices – can be grave. Eliminating these through education and tr [...]
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