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Is Your Diesel Truck Ready For The Cold?

Follow these essential winterization tips for a profitable season
East Coast Blog

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Is Your Diesel Truck Ready For The Cold?
Follow these essential winterization tips for a profitable season
By: Nia Joseph
  1. Top It Off
    The most basic maintenance step for any vehicle is an oil change. In diesel trucks, you benefit by following the manufacturer recommended change times. Diesel fuel contains paraffin, which causes it to gel up as it gets cooler. Using anti-gelling additives will help to counteract this.
  2. Engine
    Diesel engines are much harder to start in the winter because they require higher cylinder temperatures than gasoline powered engines. You can use a block heater to regulate engine temperature, such as the battery powered no idle Nite Phoenix system offered at East Coast Truck and Trailer Sales. Check all intake pre-heats [...]
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