Our Finance Department will assist you in processing your credit application and make sure your deal is submitted to proper lenders suited to your financial background. We believe in helping our customer’s get financed with as little money down and at the best rate possible. Traditionally, we can get you an answer within 48 hours.
We use over 30 different types of lenders. Our leading sources range from A credit lenders to Sub Prime lenders. Our lenders include financial institutes such as Daimler Chrysler Financial Services, GE, Hitachi, ENGS, CapStar Corporation & Keystone. We realize that your past should stay in the past, let’s look at financing your future. To process your credit application, we will need a signed bill of sale. Please contact a salesman, in regards to a prospective unit.
Please contact a sales representative prior to contacting finance.
A signed bill of sale and a deposit are required to keep equipment from being sold to another customer.
Financial companies can require this additional information to complete the approval process:
– Having comparable credit references or installment references is important.
– Copies of bank statements (checking account in company name, personal name, and type of saving add strength).
– Tax liens or judgments should be paid or satisfied. (Proof may be required).
– Bankruptcy: Established new credit with no derogatory since bankruptcy and a period of time has passed as determined by the financial company.
– Past truck experience and hauling reference is important. If you have any agreements, please attach
Sherie Miller
Sales & Finance Manager
Sherie Miller has been in the automotive finance industry for over 20 years with East Coast Auto Transport. Her main focus is to provide her customers with sensible solutions that fit their needs through communication with lenders. Sherie has spent years cultivating professional and reliable relationships with trusted lenders who understand the unique challenges of our industry. As a former service manager for Verizon, her customer service skills often exceed expectations. Sherie also offers property and casualty insurance in addition to our finance programs. If you want to speak to someone with finance and insurance capabilities that understands car hauling and trucking, then come see Sherie today.