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truck driver

Posts related to truck driver

Truckers with depression find hope and others to listen online

Truck drivers are one of the top eight occupations likely to commit suicide. A Facebook group has become a place for drivers with depression to get help and find camaraderie.
East Coast Blog

Tractor Trailer Recycling NJosephOn Feb. 16, at 4:25 p.m., agents watched a white semi-truck with “New Evolution Trucking” name on it enter the yard. The California Department of Justice’s Recycling Fraud Team conducted an investigation into a North Las Vegas storage yard. 

During the investigation they watched the truck as it left at approximately 10:42 p.m. and called for assistance from California Highway Patrol. The driver took a route which would miss the Yermo California Department of Food and Agriculture border checkpoint in.

East Coast Blog

pulled from Toronto Sun
July 21,2010

A Kitchener truck driver is facing a careless driving charge but on the bright side, his tooth doesn’t hurt anymore.

Lambton County OPP say they stopped a big rig driver doing some driving dentistry along Hwy. 402 on Wednesday.

Const. John Reurink told the Sun Saturday it’s the first time he’s ever heard of a driver being pulled over performing dental surgery.

“I’ve never heard of this sort of thing occurring before,” Reurink said, adding he has stopped drivers doing their make-up, reading a map or talking on a cellphone. “Somebody doing an amateur tooth pulling? That’s a first.”

Reurink said it all started June 30 when an officer was on Hwy. 402 in Warwick Township, near Sarnia, and a passing driver pointed him to a tractor trailer being driven “all over the road.”

The officer found the eastbound rig [...]

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