Safety on the Road

Safety on the Road
Every occupation has its own risks, big or small. While being on the road is a risk in itself, tow truck drivers face even more challenges than a regular motorist. They may be heroes to those stuck on the side of the road after a breakdown but make no mistake; their job is not an easy one.
Bad Weather Conditions
Driving in unsavory weather conditions is tough enough without having an extra vehicle attached to your own. Not only do tow truck drivers have to worry about handling their own load, but they must also be vigilant to watch out for debris and other motorists that have lost control of their car. One slip up in the rain or snow could mean big trouble for anyone, and adding another truck into the mix adds onto that risk.
Other Motorists
Unfortunately, there have been many reports of deaths linked to this particular occupation. Motorists who are not paying attention have struck these drivers while they are hooking up a vehicle on the side of the road. This is especially unfortunate because these deaths could have been easily prevented by people taking accountability and watching out for others on the road. Tow truck drivers must be careful of other cars when on-duty, and this can be tough after a long shift.
Being on the Road
Driving is dangerous, no matter how experienced the person behind the wheel is. Things can happen in the blink of an eye that could cause a small accident at the least or a fatality at the worst. Some drivers behind the wheel assume they are invincible, and stop taking larger vehicles like tow trucks into consideration. Tow truck drivers are on the road for at least eight hours of the day, which statistically puts them at a higher risk for being involved in an accident.
Feeling Fatigued
Long hours on the road can cause fatigue in drivers, making it much easier for them to slip up on the road. Although sleep and energy drinks may help to an extent, facing exhaustion on the road is highly dangerous for obvious reasons, both for tow truck drivers and ordinary motorists.
Backlash from Individuals
Many tow truck drivers must repossess vehicles from individuals who have not made payments and defaulted on their cars. This can cause problems for the driver, as some will attempt to attack the driver for merely doing his job. Some people will even attempt to jump in their car while the tow operator is trying to secure it, making their job both difficult and unsafe. This may not be an everyday occurrence for most tow truck drivers, but it does come with the territory.
Being diligent and safe on the road is the first step to ensuring that these drivers are not put in any unnecessary danger. While all accidents are not able to be prevented, knowing your surroundings and obeying traffic laws can make a world of difference in keeping the roads safe for everyone.
Article Courtesy of Will Tow